It started as an itchy spot between your toes. Before you know it, your skin is red, flaky, extremely itchy, and burning. At Affiliated Foot & Ankle Care, we recognize these as classic symptoms of athlete’s foot. If you’re like many of our patients, you may be surprised by a case of fungal infection in the fall. Many people associate athlete’s foot with summer days when going barefoot is the norm. But fall also presents many scenarios where fungal infections can easily develop.

Exercise Routine Re-located

When the weather gets colder, that’s the signal for some to move the workout indoors. The locker room and shower at the gym offer the same opportunities as a day at the pool for contracting athlete’s foot: warm, moist areas with lots of barefoot traffic. For this reason, flip-flops, or other shoes that keep your feet covered and protect them from coming in direct contact with surfaces other people’s feet have touched are essential. Be sure not to share soap, towels, nail care tools, or any other foot hygiene-related items.

Shoe Wardrobe Change

Another fungal infection factor at this time of the year is the switch to closed shoes. Unlike sandals or other open styles, closed shoes and boots do not allow your feet natural air circulation. Bacteria and fungi can live in moist conditions in your shoes for many hours. One way to reduce your risk of contracting foot infections is by allowing your shoes to air out between occasions of wearing them. Also, always wear socks with closed shoes.

Socks and Sweat

Speaking of socks, choose thick socks that will absorb perspiration and keep it away from your skin. Keeping your feet dry is an important part of preventing athlete’s foot. With the heat turned on, you may find your feet sweating more. Keep an extra pair of socks handy and change them whenever your feet feel moist. Stick with a good hygiene routine of washing your feet daily and applying a foot or talcum powder to help them stay dry.

If you do notice signs of a fungal infection, contact our Edison (732-204-6630), Monroe (732-204-6802), or Monmouth Junction (732-204-6945) office without delay. Our podiatrists, Dr. Varun Gujral and Dr. Nrupa Shah, will be able to determine if an infection is present and prescribe the best treatment.

Author Affiliated Foot & Ankle Care

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