Affiliated Foot & Ankle Care Goes GREEN for a Better Future
It is not just feet we are looking to save, but our earth and our future are at the top of our list as well. With the reality of our future in jeopardy by many different threats such as global warming, pollution and the depletion of our natural resources, we at Affiliated Foot & Ankle Care are launching a “Go Green Campaign” in an effort to do our part for a better tomorrow.
Dr. Varun (Ben) Gujral says, “We have one earth to live on, and our future depends on how we treat it. We must all do our part in making a difference, so our children and future generations have a chance to enjoy the world around us as we do today.” Analyzing our medical practice, we have implemented many changes in an effort to create an eco-friendly environment. Some of these changes include:
- Implementing Electronic Medical Records (EMR)
- This system makes all of the patient records electronic, significantly reducing the paper used in the practice. In addition, this system offers increased safety in protecting private patient information.
- Digital X-Ray Imaging
- Digital X-ray images can now be created immediately without the need for toxic chemicals or films for developing. In addition, the X-Ray image is only printed if needed by the patient or referring physician.
- E-Prescribing
- This program allows the doctors in the practice to subscribe medications to the pharmacy electronically, eliminating the need for paper referral pads.
- E-Newsletter
- The E-Newsletter informs our existing patients and community of updates and foot care information at the convenience of a mouse click, thus eliminating paper newsletters, including the stamps and labels needed to mail them.
- Recycling print cartridges
- Eco-Friendly light bulbs used throughout our practice
- Recycling all paper, bottles and plastic from within our practice
- Creating “Go Green” bags and offering them free to the community
- These are reusable shopping bags eliminating the need to use paper and plastic bags when shopping for groceries, shopping in the malls, etc.
“We have decided to create ‘Go Green’ bags, offering them at no cost to our community. This is something we feel people will use and enjoy while in the process, helping to save our environment,” says Dr. Varun (Ben) Gujral. “Just stop into our office in Edison and ask the front desk for a ‘Go Green’ bag, and we will be happy to provide one at no cost to you.”